Project Description

Nástio Mosquito – THEY THE THEM ARE WE – Let me be clear | The Perishable Utterances


— A minimum of 5 households in the same neighborhood or building.
— A maximum of 8 households in the same neighborhood or building.
— No limit of participants per household.

— Households coordinate time of utterances activation.
— Households coordinate order of utterances per household.

— Vocal Utterances Possibilities (the goal of the utterances is ultimately to hear and be heard):
1. Scream
2. Sing
3. Speak

— Utterances Statements:
1. I do not know.
2. Tell me about your feelings’ facts; please.
3. I care about “…………….” (pick your word)
4. I confess, I miss what I never had. History.
5. History is not time. Economy is not natural. Poop is both. The gut matters.

— Utterances are recommended once a day for eight straight days; each utterance session lasting one, exact, minute. It’s optional, but ideally at the end of the daily utterance session all the participants should share amongst themselves one single glass of, room temperature, water.

Nástio Mosquito
Brussels (Belgium)
18 August 2020