Project Description

Jeppe Ernst – In Paradisum (24 Private Songs)

In Paradisum (24 Private Songs) is a music-almanac, that stretches over 107 years – from the year 2021 until the year 2128.

The piece is divided into 24 intervals of time, defined as “Private Songs”. The intervals of time should be experienced as musical pieces or as progress for the reader/user of the piece, who is aware of the specific interval of time.

As the title indicates, the songs should be considered a number of reversed doomsday prophecies:
songs in which the individual, independent of the content of the time interval, will experience paradise on earth.

Jeppe Ernst
Kerteminde, Denmark
12 November 2020
works on youtube

commissioned by SPOR festival
– with support from European Region of Culture
and 1000 Scores