Project Description

Helgard Haug – WHO TOOK IT?

Let your gaze wander over the shelves in your room.

Think about where your first childhood photo album might be.
Found it?

Take it out and open it to page 9.
Take a closer look at the picture in the upper right corner.
You have no memory of this moment.

Turn the pages and look at each picture wondering not what it shows, but: who took it.

Couldn’t find a photo album?
You don’t have one?
You lost it, trashed it, left it?
Then take a selfie, reenacting a picture from your childhood.

One that was taken or one you wish someone had taken.

Helgard Haug
Berlin (Germany)
7 July 2020

produced by
Goethe Institut / Federal Foreign Office of Germany, PACT Zollverein and KANAL – Centre Pompidou Brussels