Project Description
Aurelia Toriser & Laura Laszloffy – Tasting Sound
This score is a recipe for your own individual score. With your little meal at the end, you are able to taste the development of information, reaction and action before your score dissolves completely.
First step:
Ask a faraway friend to record 100 seconds of a characteristic soundscape of her/his environment and to send the recording to you. This recording will be your recipe for a score, a performance and a meal.
Maybe your friend would like an exchange of recipes, but this isn’t necessary.
Second step:
Play the recording and listen to it with closed eyes. Set the volume so that you can still perceive the sounds of your environment.
Third step:
You need:
- a cup of a type of grain (for example semolina, couscous, rice)
- 3 colourful spices
- a fork, a knife, a spoon
- a clean work surface of a size of DIN A3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm)
Spread the grain on your work space and use it to create a score in the following way:
While listening to the recording a second time, use the cutlery to shape the grain and the spices following what you hear. In this texture, try to express dynamics, effects and colours of sounds or simply express what you feel while you listen to the recording.
Fourth step:
The image you created will now be the score for your own performative interpretation. You can sing, play an instrument or dance depending on your mood.
Try to be as precise as possible within a performance of 100 seconds. Document and share it with the creator of your recording.
Fifth step:
Transfer the ingredients into a saucepan. Add water and cook your score.
If you like, prepare a whole meal with side dishes and invite a friend. Maybe you have a good wine that goes with the meal?
Eat it attentively and enjoy. What do you taste?
Sixth step:
If you don’t like your performance or your meal repeat from step 2 until you’re full.
Aurelia Toriser & Laura Laszloffy
Frankfurt, Germany
30 April 2021
In collaboration with Artur Miranda Azzi, Christian Grüny and Lucas Fels
commissioned by
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt HfMDK
& 1000 Scores. Pieces for Here, Now & Later
for the Neue Musik Nacht 2021
thanks to the Institut für zeitgenössische Musik IzM
and the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der HfMDK Frankfurt